Easy Recipes

Hi and welcome to EPLS! In the Easy Recipes category on EPLS you’ll find a wide and wonderful selection of fabulous Easy peasy lemon squeezy recipe dishes, all for your delight, both sweet & savoury!
I share Easy Mains, Easy Puddings, Easy Bakes, Easy Slimming Recipes all of them!!You will find simple recipes for delicious and tasty meals the whole family will enjoy, I promise.
I hope to be able to solve that ‘oh what shall we have for dinner?” problem. I also hope this can encourage you to cook from scratch and to knock some of those convenience / junk foods on the head, because you’ll see how easy and simple my recipes are!
My aim is to get every family member cooking and baking and having tremendous fun in the kitchen.
I make it as simple and straightforward as possible to feed your family!
Meals are bursting with flavour – cakes are melt in the mouth!
Thanks Clare